
Showing posts from March, 2019

"200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh"

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh 200 Hour YogaTeacher Training in Rishikesh , India at wisdom yoga School Certified by Yoga Alliance USA, 200 Hour Hatha, Nada yoga, Yoga Retreat Course in Rishikesh India.  In the Vedic literature, Rishikesh is often related as Tapo bhoomi – the Land of Meditation.  The 28 days 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training CourseProgram  Lovely   awaits your participation at the absolutely magnificent city of Rishikesh, India. This Program is plan to walk you through the path of Yoga and is a rewarding way to develop a more polished understanding of Yoga practice. unwanted to say, Rishikesh happens to be the fitting place for you begin a journey to your inner self and immerse yourself in the blissful tranquility of the trinity – Mind, Body, and Soul. The Program aims to conduct   and support you in your conquest of attaining mastery over  Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga . The  Yoga Teacher Training  course Program used a carefully curated curri

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Best Yoaga Course in Rishikesh Yoga means union. Best Yoga Classes in Rishikesh and Karma Yoga is the means to an end. It cleans the heart and prepares the aspirant for reception of knowledge. Thus, Karma Yoga is Yoga or union through action. In the Bhagavad Gītā, Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, ‘If Thou think that knowledge is superior to action, Krishna, why then, dost Thou ask me to engage in this terrible action?’ Lord Krishna explains, ‘Not by non-performance of actions does man reach motionlessness ; nor does he rise to perfection by mere renunciation’.  He further explains that, ‘None can ever remain really actionless even for a moment; for everyone is weak driven to action by the forces (Gunas) of Nature (Prakriti).’ The choice for human being is not between action (Karma) and inaction (Akarma) because we cannot remain without action. The choice is regarding what sort of actions to perform and with what attitude or approach. Every human being compulsive engages